Murphy’s Luck 3 continues the adventures of Murphy Drummer, a one-man demolition derby of bad-luck or sole protector of the possible, depending on your point of view. Benjamin Laskin opens the story with Murphy’s CIA Elite Hippie Unit, Granola Team Six in-laws being captured by a small but scrappy 99th largest South American crime cartel. They pin their hopes on a black helicopter-flying friend Frank to come and save their patchouli-wearing backsides. Frank knows when he needs help, given the improbable odds, and just who to recruit; a man to whom odds mean nothing and a former supermodel-turned-assassin with a score to settle. Murphy comes along to protect the enterprise from the inevitable bad luck which follows him everywhere he goes. How will Murphy and the team rescue the in-laws, find the buried treasure, and make it back to Eureka, Kansas in time for daughter Phaedra’s birthday party? Will the cartel move up in the rankings and open an Adventure Bed & Breakfast?
Benjamin Laskin has crafted an extremely fun read, with recurring gags, wicked puns, witty dialog, and characters you could almost see. Frank reminded me most of the American President in Hot Shots – Part Deux, with all of his missing organs from past military engagements. The concept of a personal jinx field around an individual has been explored before, but never in so lighthearted and entertaining a fashion. Having a town basically quarantine Murphy and his similarly afflicted offspring seems entirely rational, given the alternatives. Plus, who doesn’t like to read stories of former supermodels who are now walking arsenals? Murphy’s Luck 3 will provide the laughs, bring your own oatmeal cookies!