Careful What You Ask For..

Been reading short story submissions night and day on the Bubble Off Plumb Anthology for Feral Cat Publishers. We were hoping to see fifty decent stories come in during the sixty day period. But here we are, three weeks into it, with more than 260 stories.

Our guidelines were 1000 to 5000 word-count stories, so doing the math, I’m on the hook to read close to a million words already. Damn!

How did it happen? Somewhere along the line, word of our call-for-submission made it onto a large writer group website as a featured listing, and our website exploded. Entries have come in from all over the world.

The good news, is I get to read a lot for the foreseeable future. So far the stories are very good, for the most part, and definitely qualified for inclusion in the anthology. But I’m not going to be doing much work editing my own manuscripts or writing myself. As I said, be careful what you ask for.

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