There are many things to like about this first Colt Harper installment; a new vampire concept, relentless wry humor interspersed with things any cat owner would recognize, and an interesting backdrop universe where the action takes place. I especially enjoyed the many small obscure jests and references. Tyrolin Puxty is one of those authors who I would love to have a leisurely conversation with, as I am certain it would be hugely entertaining.
As the first book in a series the stage is being set for the sequels, although the book does present a standalone story which is mostly complete by the last page.
I rate this book a solid 4.5, based on the FCP book review standard. Priced at $2.99 on Amazon Kindle, this is a very good value and punches well above its weight.
I learned of the book through Veracious Readers Only!, and bought my own copy.