Ivan Blake has written a gripping thriller which smoothly evolves into a horror tale one shouldn’t read late at night. Chris Chandler is a high school student in Maine who has trouble fitting into the small mill town of Bemishstock. He tells himself the primary reason for it is his father’s role of corporate hatchet man, there to close the underperforming paper mill. But attitude counts and Chris finds he has made few friends in the town. When the most popular girl in school begins to show an interest, things seem to be headed in the right direction. However Chris soon learns there is more to it than he imagines. As Chris navigates the obstacles, he faces true evil, in both the spiritual and material realms. Can he prevent his adversaries from hurting those he truly loves?
Dead Scared had me picking it up to read just a few more pages minutes after putting it down. The story is well written and tightly edited to present a compelling narrative. Ivan Blake’s characters, especially those supporting Chris, have depth and substance. Those in opposition have reasons to behave the way they do, even if the reasons aren’t particularly good ones. A reader can easily place themselves within the day-to-day environment of a clannish small town and visualize the setting. The concept of Mortsafemen, guardians or safe keepers of the dead, was deftly woven into the tapestry without overwhelming the plot. As a result, the series is well positioned to extend the story in what will surely be interesting ways.